Happy Halloween! My holy holiday. I am a slightly stunted, theatre nerd with no children, a costume morgue, and arty friends. Of course. I am made for Halloween.
I like scary things. I like to be scared. Horror movies. Haunted houses. Roller coasters. Bring 'em on.
I don't actually want to be in a state of true fear. No one does. I like manufactured fear very much.
This photo is scary. I like it.
Scariest book: The Shining. I was 18 years old. Aaron and I were living in our first tiny apartment. One night Aaron was at band practice and I called and asked him to come home because I was too scared to fall asleep by myself after reading The Shining. Cursed hotels are scary.
Scariest movie: Stupid hard to pick because there are a lot. I was pretty scared watching Wolf Creek. It was Christmas. Aaron and I went to see Wolf Creek (because horror movies on Christmas is how you do things.) If you haven't seen it, it is an Australian film from a few years ago. It does some cool stuff with choices the characters make. But mainly it's just scary.
Other scary stuff: I went to Quarantine last night. It was scary!!! And super fun. If you are reading this, live in Albuquerque, and want to do a haunted house- go to Quarantine. It is super good.
One time Byron and I went to haunted house in Niagra, Canada. If you've never been to Niagra, it is a bit odd. It's like a giant amusement park. Casinos and rides and bright lights and...a giant waterfall. Anyhoo, after we did the boat ride, Byron and I went through a haunted house. At like 2 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. We were the only ones in it. It was pretty good. I remember at the end a man in a mask with a chainsaw chased me around a table until I screamed, "I'm all done!!!" And then he left. It was fun.
Scariest real things: It was scary when the jellyfish stung me. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't do anything about it. That was scary. Many years ago, I walked home alone in rural Poland in the pitch dark with a pack of wild dogs running around. That was a little much. One night I "lost" Aaron. He was out with friends but I thought he was going to be home and he couldn't hear his phone ringing. For about an hour I convinced myself he had been killed. Because losing Aaron would be the worst thing to ever happen to me, the thought of it is the most scary.
I am traveling to a new place in 6 weeks. Uganda. I am not scared but sometimes I think The Man wants me to be scared. I am not a moron. Some places in the world have more danger potential. But really, if you break it down, isn't everything scary? Driving cars is scary, you can get smashed. Getting up in front of people and performing is scary, what if you fuck it up? Travel is scary, what if the plane crashes? People are scary, they might shoot you. New food is scary, diarrhea is awful.
I like being scared, but I don't want to walk around being scared.
Shots for Africa. I am not afraid of shots. I don't like them, but I am not afraid.
I like scary things. I like to be scared. Horror movies. Haunted houses. Roller coasters. Bring 'em on.
I don't actually want to be in a state of true fear. No one does. I like manufactured fear very much.
This photo is scary. I like it.
Scariest book: The Shining. I was 18 years old. Aaron and I were living in our first tiny apartment. One night Aaron was at band practice and I called and asked him to come home because I was too scared to fall asleep by myself after reading The Shining. Cursed hotels are scary.
Scariest movie: Stupid hard to pick because there are a lot. I was pretty scared watching Wolf Creek. It was Christmas. Aaron and I went to see Wolf Creek (because horror movies on Christmas is how you do things.) If you haven't seen it, it is an Australian film from a few years ago. It does some cool stuff with choices the characters make. But mainly it's just scary.
Other scary stuff: I went to Quarantine last night. It was scary!!! And super fun. If you are reading this, live in Albuquerque, and want to do a haunted house- go to Quarantine. It is super good.
One time Byron and I went to haunted house in Niagra, Canada. If you've never been to Niagra, it is a bit odd. It's like a giant amusement park. Casinos and rides and bright lights and...a giant waterfall. Anyhoo, after we did the boat ride, Byron and I went through a haunted house. At like 2 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. We were the only ones in it. It was pretty good. I remember at the end a man in a mask with a chainsaw chased me around a table until I screamed, "I'm all done!!!" And then he left. It was fun.
Scariest real things: It was scary when the jellyfish stung me. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't do anything about it. That was scary. Many years ago, I walked home alone in rural Poland in the pitch dark with a pack of wild dogs running around. That was a little much. One night I "lost" Aaron. He was out with friends but I thought he was going to be home and he couldn't hear his phone ringing. For about an hour I convinced myself he had been killed. Because losing Aaron would be the worst thing to ever happen to me, the thought of it is the most scary.
I am traveling to a new place in 6 weeks. Uganda. I am not scared but sometimes I think The Man wants me to be scared. I am not a moron. Some places in the world have more danger potential. But really, if you break it down, isn't everything scary? Driving cars is scary, you can get smashed. Getting up in front of people and performing is scary, what if you fuck it up? Travel is scary, what if the plane crashes? People are scary, they might shoot you. New food is scary, diarrhea is awful.
I like being scared, but I don't want to walk around being scared.
Shots for Africa. I am not afraid of shots. I don't like them, but I am not afraid.